Get Prepaid Water!

Water Refill ATM

At our factory entrance we have placed a prepaid water ATM, where you can get water 24/7! Order a prepaid token during office hours and get access to the healthiest drinking water at all times. Check out our video on how it works below. 

THe best quality for your health

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use the user tag?
  1.  Press the preferred tap/button.
  2. Present user tag/token.
  3. Water will start flowing.
  4. It is programmed to dispense ten litres per pour.
  5. When one wants to get water that is less than 20 liters, he/she will press tap button, present user token/tag, get the quantity of water he/she wants   and press the tap button again to stop the flow.
  6. Remember to take your refund when you did not get a full 20 liter jerrican.
How do I get the refund?
    After stopping the tap before 20 liters have been drawn, the water hub (Prepaid mater) will alert you to collect your refund, present your user tag and the balance/money will be refunded back to your user tag.
How do I load credit to the user tag using mobile payment?
  1. Go to Mpesa Menu on your phone
  2. Lipa Na Mpesa, Paybill
  3. Enter Business Number – ******
  4. Account Number (e.g. it could be your phone number) – enter your phone number (07xx xxx xxx)
  5. Press Send, & you will receive an SMS stating that you have paid “Company/org. Name” a sum of xxx
  6. Go to the hub
  7. Long press Tap ONEuntil it displays “check top up
  8. Present your user tag
  9. It will show m PAY, give it a few seconds, it will show you the amount that you paid to the company/organizarion’s paybill via mpesa.
  10. Again present the user tag, that money will be transferred to your user tag and once it shows DONE, then you will have succeeded in topping up your user tag.



Dutch Water Delivery Service

Dutch Water delivers at home with our fast and easy tuk tuk delivery service.
Want to order Dutch water? Call the nearest tuc tuc and we will deliver right at your doorstep!

What They’re Saying

Customer Testimonials

The quality is good and the taste is perfect. Services are good especially communication and delivery.

Vikesh Krystalline

Salt Ltd

“This water is a gift from heaven. I am an educated nurse, and the children in my school used to be ill very frequently: Typhus, Diphtheria and all kind of stomach problems. Since we get water from DWL they are very healthy; they can concentrate much better and the school results have improved dramatically”


Yambo Yipya School, Divi Corner

Dutch water is loved by my family because of the wonderful taste and good quality.<br>We are served by Dutch Water at the comfort of our home and this is one of the best services ever.

Pastor Karanja

Get In Touch With Us!

Do you want to try out The Best Taste Of Life as well, or do you have any questions? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us, we are happy to help you!